VAL'JORRAN CLASS WARBIRD Advanced Romulan Warbird Advancing on the breakthroughs that helped create the Valdore Class Warbird, the Val'Jorran is a sleek, silent predator armed to the teeth with next generation plasma weapons and protected by advanced cloaking shields. IMAGES: Scroll down to view holoimages of the vessel. Model notes follow below. THIS MODEL IS NOT CURRENTLY FOR SALE. SEE THE CONTACT PAGE FOR INFORMATION ON PURCHASING ONE OF MY OTHER CREATIONS. |
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Model Notes: Inspired by the Valdore Warbird in Nemesis, this heavily scratchbuilt ship uses a Batwing body as it's core and the front edges of 2 SW STAP kits as the nacelles. The wing and head were scratchbashed from misc. kit parts from the Batwing and a gundam kit (I can't remember which one...). The outer weapons pods were made from four SW droid fighters, mirrored and sandwiched to create the pod. The lower wing was hollow-core scratch build and curved by simply glueing and curving the internal square rod separators and the outer skins. Let em dry in position under pressure and you have a stable curved element. It worked great. I did the same thing with the upper wings. This was one of the first times I used fluorescent rods to build nacelle grills and they worked out great. Thanks for looking...Michael |